Thursday 10 January 2019

Is it ever too late too achieve what you want in life ?

Can it ever be late to set goals in your life and achieve what you want?

The simple answer is no, lots of people go through their lives not really sure what they want to do. 

A lot of people end up attaching themselves to jobs they don’t really love and this can be for a number of reasons such as upbringing, social surroundings and lack of encouragement to strive for what you really want to achieve.

Romberg though you only get one life, there are no replays or second chances. YOU have to do what you love, And if you love it then you will be good at it and there is the possibility you will make a living out of it.

It is never too late to change direction in your life if you feel your heading down a path you don’t particularly like.

But it comes down to how much you want it and how much effort you’re willing to put in to achieve it.

There is a long list of famous people ( you can google it,so I won’t list them here) but they didn’t really hit their ideas and peaks till they hit 40+. You don’t have to be in your teens to be an entrepreneur, it’s just most people don’t think 💭 they can when in reality anybody can if they want it enough.

There are people at the age of 87 still studying (Google again 😂) and it’s great because learning new skills helps deter dementia and other mental illnesses. Learning something new creates New brain cells ( Which is great because I need some).

Take this Blog post, it’s part of my goals to write at least one a day, Now I’m not going to lie to you I’m pooped ( long day and late here in the Uk) But with determination I’ve pulled something out late in the day. Why? Because ITS NEVER TOO LATE 😂. 

By doing so I’ve kept up my habit of writing and that’s great because it means I now know that even when I’m feeling at my worst I can still do it.
Which in turn means when I’m at my best I’ll just be plain awesome 😎.

So don’t ever think it’s too late too start a new project or set a new goal because it’s NOT.

I have faith in you to go on and do great things but now you need to have enough faith in yourself.

Oneideatoday xxx

P.s. don’t forget to check out my other great posts ( If I do say so myself lol) and the rest of the site


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